About Me

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Just an average master degree student, currently working on my thesis and doing make over in my spare time IF i'm not shopping LOL... I can be reach at imelda_husin@yahoo.co.id if you guys want me to review your products or sponsorship or simply wanna chat. Thank you...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Sadly, i change the memory card last night to the new one, 8 GB. And suddenly my cam is dead, it said the lens error, restart camera! Oh no!!!
With so many things that i wanna update you pretties, i can't afford this to happen.

Ah.. i'm just so upset now!!!


  1. Ya... Tabah, ya, jeung! (peluk)

    Gw juga pake kamera HP aja tuh. Kamera beneran gw rada aneh soalnya.

  2. Hooh mak, ini mau foto2 si product giveaway jd agak ribet. Ikutan yak nantik...
    Kemaren udah diutak atik ama temenku, eh bisa sih, tp batrenya jdnya kacrut, biasanya tahan brp hari skrg cpt bgt merahnya :(
    thx u yakk...

  3. Huaaa... kita hampir samaan!!
    Digicam ku juga matot LCD nya... masih bisa moto n keluar flash sih... tapi yaa itu dia screen nya gelap totaal... -_-

    btw, tks for following my new blog.... :D
    aku udah follback whitelotus ^^

  4. Nah, kmrn itu dia aduh apa bahasanya yah, maap maap "ngaceng" lensanya gak mau kedalem. Diutak atik ama tmnku bisa, tp ya gitu, gak perfect lg, kdg suka mati sendiri or blurry. Hiks...

    My pleasure anyway, love to read your post, full of knowledge... keep up the good work dear XOXO
