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Just an average master degree student, currently working on my thesis and doing make over in my spare time IF i'm not shopping LOL... I can be reach at imelda_husin@yahoo.co.id if you guys want me to review your products or sponsorship or simply wanna chat. Thank you...

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Drugstore VS Indonesian Cosmetics Brand for Contouring

Meet NYC bronzer in Sunny 720A and the dupe's from our own local brand LT PRO Powder Blush no 08 and PAC blush on no 08 (comes in refill packaging)
I first saw this bronzer on my faourite beauty guru, youtube channel on her tutorial She wore this bronzer a lot, and i think for $3 it's such a bargain. And lucky for me one of my FD friend open a spee on drugstore and other website, mostly from America.

After several trial, i have to say this NYC didn't work on my shade - if wears alone, with no other blush-. The color somehow just didn't show up on my skin. I think this work best on NC35 like saaamage has. I dunno my exact shade yet, since i don't own any of MAC anymore (i used to have it, but the mineral one got lost, and my powder is broken, and i bought it randomly from my friend and i becomes like wearing a mask -it's too light-, so my guess is i'm NC 37 or NC40).
But if i wear this NYC with other blush, it gives somehow a pretty hint of contouring.

At first, i think.. what about if my NYC run out, and nobody's open a spree then i'm screwed. But then again, since this blog is about beauty without robbing your atm :p i'm gonna go with the dupe's instead. Which available locally and didn't cost me twice more the exact price of drugstore brands. Yes, blame it on the geography, i live in another side of the world :)
Not complaining tho' because... apparently we got some of products that works BEST in tropical climate and got lots of range decorative products to buy also. The only thins that i'm kinda not satisfied was, Indonesian's cosmetics brands PACKAGING. They're somehow boring :p but the quality compare to it's price, is satisfaction.

when opened - no flash (indoor)
swatch - with no base or foundation

from L-R : PAC, LT PRO, NYC
As you guys can see, the NYC is a bit hard to appear. It needs effort, i guess my relationship with this NYC will not gonna last one compact, LOL. Not gonna repurchase this, definitely.

with flash - indoor
from L-R : PAC, LT PRO, NYC

AFTER 3 HOURS - with flash

What i liked about :
NYC : The fact that saaamage uses this a lot, hahaha...
LT PRO : easy to blend, pigmented, nice warm color, available locally, and in refill (cheap about $4, Rp 35,000-40,000)
PAC : has the most pigmentation compares to NYC and LT PRO, available locally, and in refill (cheap about $ 4, Rp 35,000)

What i don't like about :
NYC : Cost me around $10 to finally got this arrived at my door, needs effort to use, the compact is somehow can't be closed perfectly.
LT PRO : powdery
PAC : powdery, and tricky (which is good also in the other hand), because a light swipe will do contour your cheek and nose.

Which one i'm gonna repurchase : LT PRO powder blush.

I did repurchase the PAC one, and it did the jobs very fine. But i like this LT PRO better now simply because it's softer brown, and won't look too dark on my nose if i had to contour it. But the pigmentation and price and availability both of them are reccomended.

Hope this post is helpfull... do share your favourite stuff to contour your face, ladies. Always nice to hear what's others favourite.


  1. Mada, gw pake yang pac juga, tapi di gw kesannya kok terlalu kuning yah n bikin kulit keliatan "kotor".. Any tips how to apply this product? Gw lagi pengen nyari yg buat countour pipi tp blm nemu yg cocok..

    Untuk hidung gw selalu make nyx brow cake powder, ini buat alis sebenernya, tp warna nya pas bgt buat countour idung (gw pake yg brunette, SA nya lho yg nyaranin gw make ini buat shading idung)

  2. Iya agak tricky si PAC ini, used to be my HG.. tapi tergeser ama si LT PRO ini,both easy to blend but somehow the shade of LT PRO match more with my shade.
    Si PAC biasanya aku light swipe aja pake small contouring brush say, abis itu pas finishing pake big angeled brush to blend then add loose powder (kalo kata mba Fifi di kelas dandan, semua paling penting di finishing, nambahin yang kurang dan ngurangin yang kelebihan). Agak PR tapi daripada gak kepake yang dirimu.. boleh dicoba tuh...

  3. hi mada, itu si lt pro eyeshadow apa blushnya ya?
    kemaren temenku sempet beli buat shading, tapi ba-nya malah nyaranin pake yang eyeshadow matte-nya (nah loh ^^)
    aku selama ini pake pac dan baru nyadar gara2 liat komen hana, iya nih, si pac bikin keliatan 'kotor' di aku, tapi kalo buat foto2 oke sihh...^^
    eh ya, dikau kan kayanya penggemar fanbo ya? aku pernah ditawarin shadingnya tuh, kayanya segede si nyc-mu.pernah tau?

  4. yang blush on say, agak powdery emang tapi i prefer this than PAC now... gak perlu terlalu banyak blending kalo pake yang lt pro. namanya LT PRO PB no 08. PB stands for Pwder blush.
    Kalo fanbo i like the TWC, buat kalo make up "panggung" doank.. kalo sehari2 aku pake yang mineral :D
    gak ngecek2 yang lain kayak si shadingnya fanbo, kecuali sempat naksir e/s palettenya, tapi waktu mau beli lagi kosong...
    malah pengen nyicip mirabella stick murah 13rebuan doank :D *banci murahan*

  5. hi mada...diriku malah pernah colek si lt pro..dan di aku,entah gimana..jadinya oren..-.-' aku juga sekarang lagi pake rimmel,and i hate it..uda kompeknya keras, oren pulak,lebih mirip blush kaenya..

    my HG is NYX taupe ama Puspita Martha (u should try the puspita martha one..so freakin cheap and HUGE!)

  6. shelley : iya PM bronzer kan? pengen, gak dijual bebas say, kudu ke PM nya langsung yak...

  7. dijual bebas di PMnya..emank sih ga dijual di mana2 slaen di PM,tapi boleh beli kok di sana

  8. kalo ke jkt, suka udah lupa ke PM-nya :D apalagi kalo udah ke ambas apa itc kuningan hehehe...
    thanks btw for the info :)

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