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Just an average master degree student, currently working on my thesis and doing make over in my spare time IF i'm not shopping LOL... I can be reach at imelda_husin@yahoo.co.id if you guys want me to review your products or sponsorship or simply wanna chat. Thank you...

Monday, August 27, 2012

Soulmates! Shampoo + Conditioner Dove Hair Fall Treatment

Ever been wondering about soulmates? I do, honestly.. Wondering all the time. But in the mean time, why don’t we be thankful for what we got rather than thinking what we don’t have? – White Lotus (tried to be) wisdom :p

Speaking about soulmates kenapa sih kalo keramas itu harus pake shampoo ama conditioner? Well..

Here’s your answer.
Shampoo mengandung sabun yang fungsinya untuk bersihin kulit kepala ama helaian rambut. Juga untuk merawat kulit kepala. That’s why kita selalu disuruh shampooan 2 kali. Pertama untuk bersihin, kedua kali supaya kandungan dalam shampoo bisa merawat kulit kepalamu. Tapi kalau kamu ngebilasnya gak bersih, kutikula rambut bisa rusak.

Nah, si conditioner ini fungsinya buat menutrisi setiap helai rambut supaya rambut gak gampang rapuh. Kalau rambut rapuh ya gampang patah. Banyak banget kan kamu yang mengalami rambut rontok karna patah?

Well.. Stick with me my dearest Fantabulous. You are about to get hooked!

Dove Intensive Hair Fall Treatment with Trichazole. Shampoo + Conditioner.

For me it’s still too soon to call it soulmates. Let’s just call it Crush, at least take me on a date first.. LOL I’m totally kidding Fantabulous…
Duo ini adalah soulmates! Setiap dipake GAK boleh dipisah yah, alasannya kan udah jelas diatas.

Beberapa kali pakai rambutku emang jadi lebih “jinak” suer deh. Teksturnya melembut, bouncy. Gak mencuat ke segala penjuru mata angin kayak biasa >.<

Let’s do first impression about them, shall we?

Love : Wanginya enak
Gampang dibusain di rambut, no need hard work on that. Abis dibilas langsung berasa efeknya. Lembut.

Hate :
Not anything hair related sih, cuman saking moistnya abis pake conditioner ini aku biasanya sabunan biar tangannya agak keset.

My two cents :

This is one of the best products for hair that I’ve ever been used. Suka ama teksturnya, well.. jujur aja I kinda bought their promises tho’ yang bilang merawat rambut rontok dari akarnya. Berhasil gak di aku? Why don’t you guys stay tuned and tomorrow I will do the review.

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