About Me

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Just an average master degree student, currently working on my thesis and doing make over in my spare time IF i'm not shopping LOL... I can be reach at imelda_husin@yahoo.co.id if you guys want me to review your products or sponsorship or simply wanna chat. Thank you...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

My Current Hair Regimen

I'm super lazy when it comes to hair, because my hair is big.. LITERALLY :p
I don't know why, if i'm not straightening it, just blow dry it... it will look like an afro hair :s
After several trial of using local groceries product of hair regimen, this is what suits my hair best. For my scalp feels not so itchy, and my hair not looks too dry anymore. The only thing still in search is anti frizzy spray for hair, which available locally, did use Makarizo anti frizz tho' but finished, already thinking to switch. Found some anti frizz serum from L'oreal that available locally but not in the groceries store near my house yet, maybe a bigger store has it.
I don't want to use the product that hard to get, that's why i'm still loyal to local hair and skin care regimen. Maybe in the future this will change, don't know :)

my favourite anti dandruff shampoo , lifebuoy
When i used this, my scalp is not itchy and oily not like the other shampoo i've ever used (Pantene, Head&Shoulder, Rejoice, Herbal Essence, L'oreal). But it did makes my hair a bit dry, i never used this alone.. always followed with conditioner afterward.
makarizo daily shampoo and contitioner
I love the scent but not my hair texture after using this, that's why i didn't used this much lately. Just when i'm at home and not going anywhere. If i happened have to be somewhere then i add some vitamin for hair then straightening my hair if i'm using this.

Conditioner and Hair Masks
rudy hadisuwarno hair mask for damaged hair and hair mask for hairloss defenser : rejoice- hair conditioner
Well, i switch using this occasionally. So didn't know it did the job or not :D i feel like i have to spread the love and using them all hahaha... but after using these my hair smells good and not dry. So i love them ^^

Sachet Hair Care
I love using sachet, because it finish fast :D and sometimes if i wanna try new product prevent me from buying the full size. What if it didn't suits our skin and hair rite? So love sachet.... :D
L'oreal  hair mask
This is my second sachet, well smeels good and soften my hair... what's not to love about this?


  1. Great posting mada♥
    makarizo daily shampoo and contitioner berapaan ya? :D

  2. i want to know where i can get that loreal mask :D

    btw visit mine if you free <3

  3. @jove : thanks say, itu aku belinya sepaket jadi lupa berapaan tapo size-nya gede banget, 500ml :p
    @fleurcoco : thanks for visit dear, will repay visiting ^^ and the hair mask is available on local groceries store and guardian for approx $5 or Rp 5000

  4. wah, mada, aku jadi tertarik nyobain lifebuoy-nya, karena yang merek2 kamu sebutin itu dah kucobain tapi ga berhasil.hehehehe...
    tengkiu yaaa...

  5. @poo : goodluck say.... jangan lupa pake vitamin rambut (ex : ellips) ato conditioner after yak, diujung rambut aja ^^

  6. madaaaa maap ga nyambung, di bandung toko kosmetik yg lengkap apa ya? trus minta alamat lengkapnya.. ohiya kalo mo cari kuas foundie yg gepeng gitu dimana ya? masami shouko ada di bandung kah? masalahnya di depok ga ada, trus kebetulan diriku minggu depan mo ke bandung, mo hunting kosmetik skalian mo bantu2 kakakku dandanin talent utk tugasnya bikin film..

  7. @andriani : kuas foundie yg gepeng, dimatahari jg banyak say, merk tammia jg bagus kok. si masami shouko itu ada di sogo - Mall Paris Van Java (PVJ)
    kalo toko, gak tau alamatnya... namanya rama sinta (di belakang istana plaza - letak istana plaza di pasir kaliki,deket kok kalo keluar tol pasteur-), tanya aja letaknya smua pasti tau) toko mahmud deket2 rama sinta juga.

  8. madaaaa thank you so much yaaaaaa <3

  9. @andriani : HTH yak, maap gak tau alamatnya. Tapi deket banget kok kalo keluar tol pasteur nyari istana plaza gampang, pas di belakang gedung istana plaza, bisa parkir disitu, jalan kaki 2 menit nyampe ke rama sinta, bentuknya rmh ada plang PONDS tulisan nama toko rama sinta...
