I have folded lid and the one of the crease is more deep than the other. Also it's black because of allergic reaction due to doctor's prescription..
I found a way to deal with this, SO FAR :D
- Super careful on picking a color, because sometimes it makes my eyes look even smaller.
- Can use only one single bright color, to balance it out -if in hurry-
- The real test is when i wanna use a smokey eyes or more than one color of eyeshadow, the hooded lid won't cooperate :D that's why point 1 is super important.
- Anything else? I'd love the have suggestion from you ladies, the real expert XOXO
the L one is actually wider than the R one -can u see the black shade in the lid?-
the folded and creasing lid
the R one has hooded lid
with eyebrow pencil and mascara and eyeliner only
I'm not complaining tho' ^^
hi mada,
ReplyDeletewaaaahhh... akhirnya dipajang juga si eyelid :D
udah coba base-nya pake concealer say? kan bisa sedikit ngurangin itemnya. better choose liquid one ^^
kalo mau repot sih pake selotip atau lem dan semacamnya biar sama
terus pake eyelinernya yang buat koreksi mata, jadi ga cuma sekedar diolesin sama rata aja
aduuhh... susah kalo ga liat langsung yaaa...
enaknya dipegang2 dan buat eksperimen langsung. hehehehehe.... *evil grin*
maap, ga membantu ya? ^^
i'm not a tape wearer person! :D
ReplyDeletemakanya agak PR mak, tapi sudahlah yah.. i'm happy kok :D *pasrah tepatnya :D*
kalo apply foundie ato powder aku slalu pakein di lid sih mak, emang ngurangin si item...
n eyeliner jg dibikin tebel sebelah buat agak balance kalo dibuka matanya... *dapet tips dari mba Aga jg dulu*
Ada video-nya lebih jelas penampakan kalo kebuka lipetan2 di lid.. tapi pas gagal upload.. males nunggu 2 jam lagi untuk upload video 2 menit... :D
thanks dear.. ntar eksperimen lagi dah.. practice makes perfect rite?
i'm not a tape wearer person too...
ReplyDeletesebenernya lipetan2 mataku juga ga sama, tapi kucuekin aja, hehehe...
eh aku ada rencana ke bandung loh weekend ini, apa mau ketemuan? tapi belum yakin jadi apa ga sih, doain aja jadi ^^
madaaaa kalo bikin semacem cut crease look gitu ngikutin si lipetan lid atau bagian lekukan bola matanya itu ya?
ReplyDelete@poo : sure.. ktemu donk say! hve to ^^ lemme know via pm di fd ato message di fb aja yah, ntar kita exchange number...
ReplyDelete@andriani : di tulang alis yang lekukan bola mata bukan say? kalo aku biasa pegang2 dulu tulang2nya dimana, nah disitu deh.. gak tau bener apa gak :D
okok, ntar kalo dah pasti aku kabarin yaaakksss...
ReplyDeletedina, setauku sih emang di lekukannya itu. kalo ngikutin lipetannya entar repot kalo lipetannya ga sama :D
in my case, aku banyak pake cut crease with bright color... kalo pake yang dark, blm bisa. malah jadinya gak natural. yang di party look FOTD terakhir itu cut crease, tapi slightly orange color doank. jadinya agak lebih mending, PR nih blajar cut crease with dark color, doakan saya wkwkwkkw...