About Me

My photo
Just an average master degree student, currently working on my thesis and doing make over in my spare time IF i'm not shopping LOL... I can be reach at imelda_husin@yahoo.co.id if you guys want me to review your products or sponsorship or simply wanna chat. Thank you...

Monday, December 9, 2013

Vaseline Blogger Gathering

So I got a nice invitation from www.fashionesedaily.com about Vaseline blogger gathering, because I am a member of Fashionesedaily and they think I fits the criteria of new Vaseline Range, which is urban working woman, expose to the sun (that’s so right, I took “Ojek” to work), and want to take care of my skin intensively.

I grab the chance without thinking, plus it will be nice to meet fellow bloggers. As you guys know, I’ve been tight up with work I literally don’t have time to blog.
But that will change soon, I already have some plans. And beautiful Carryna Pratiwi agreed to help on my new logo.

So last week, I attend the gathering, after the lift door opened the familiar faces from Fashionesedaily greet me and I enter the room.

The event itself took place at Cyber 2 building, Tuesday October 8th 2013. And what excite me was there will be Hilda Kitty as Vaseline Brand Manager and dr. Eddy Karta, Sp.KK means, I actually can asked them anything I want to know regarding my skin. I’m more addictive to skin care now, rather than make up anyway. My skin do changed, as i… yeah… GROW OLD! Haha…

What caught my eyes?

A very nice quote right?

Come on admit it, how often you applied your skin care regime before going to work? Apparently once a day is not enough, I’ll tell you why later.

Based on BMI Research on woman that lives in 3 big cities in Indonesia, 97% aware of the needs of using more than just a regular lotion, but only 3  out of 10 knows that they need more intensive product, rather than just changing the brands.

We had chance to ask questions, and the bottom line is what is the difference between regular lotion and a serum is the ingredients, serum has more intensive ingredients that will protect your skin and answer the need of your skin. And it absorb easily on your skin without the extra “sticky” feeling that you get when you are using body butter for instance.

Vaseline Serums Body Range is now in three different “super” power to answer your skin needs.

From Left to Right    
1. Vaseline Nourishing Body Serum, to gives your dry skin extra protection
2. Vaseline SPF 30 Body Serum, protecting your skin from UV A and UV B
3. Vaseline Perfect 10 Body Serum,  get rid of your dull hair because of aging and lifestyle.

I personally loves the Vaseline Nourishing Body Serum, because of the scent and the finish result on my skin. My dry skin, feel moist instantly. But I realize that my skin needs more that that, so in the morning I applied Vaseline SPF 30 Body Serum, and in the night, before my bed time I clean up and use Vaseline Nourishing Body Serum. I rather go through that hassle using 2 products than have my skin dull. Can I hear AMEN, ladies? :D

I will give you a full review later on after few weeks of using. And I would love to hear your thought about this, has anyone tried it yet? Which one is your favourite? Let’s chat with me at @madafoe and @VaselineID (also don’t forget to follow us).
Would love to know your skin experience, and learn from your experience.

Lastly, I’m so happy to having a nice dinner and chit chat with Vanya, Anggi, Priscilla Clara, and Natalie also met some of the followers of @VaselineID
Too bad my battery died, so I couldn’t get the picture of the best dress code. They are so cute, I’m hoping that other fellow blogger has it, I will ask it from them and edit this post later on. I bet you must be curious as well.

Ah , almost forgot, we got a nice goody bag with the three range of Vaseline Serum Body Range, and you wanna see what I wore that day?

Rocking knee length boot on rainy Jakarta.
Thank you for reading, ladies. I MISS YOU! Feedback is always welcome… See you around on another post.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

My VIP Winners


Happy Valentine's Day. Apologize for the late news. I know i'm a bad person. Nuff said, no excuses!

Without any further a do, you are all my VIP. But the lucky ones for this giveaway, are :

*drum roll*

1. L'Oreal TR 5 goes to Rin Agustia Nur Maulida
2. Garnier goes to @o_oyessy Yessy Muliawan
3. UV BB MAX goes to @_nayschoonheid Erna Wijaya
4. Vichy goes to Acne Prone Wife
5. Skin Aqua goes to @dewiaprillia Dewie Aprilia
6. Oxy and Eversoft goes to Chitrayani Chandra
7. Purederm goes to Sherviana Lie

Congratulations girls, send me your data to my email

With subject : MADA FOE GIVEAWAY
Format : Name, Address, Phone, Gift.

Thank you for all your feedback and entries really appreaciate it.

Mostly said that i need to improve :



Love you heaps...
Happy Valentine's Day once again.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Second Anniversary Giveaway! Be my VIP!

Ladies, Selamat Tahun Baru.

Aku gak membuat resolusi tahun baru di 2013 ini, why? Karena nerusin resolusi 2012 yang sebagian belum tercapai. Realistis aja (baca: lagi pasrah) hahaha...

Udah 2 tahun si Cantik Tanpa Bangkrut.

Perjalanannya? Well.. ngerasa kayak anak kecil yang baru belajar jalan trus dipaksa lari and jadi atlit marathon. Jadinya ya babak belur. Tapi sesuai janji, di 2013 ini harus IMPROVE. Ingetin aku ya, kalo perlu jewer aja kalo lupa lagi.

Dan tentunya aku gak mau menunggu sampai semuanya PERFECT baru muncul lagi ke permukaan. NO, aku tipe orang yang belajar dari kesalahan. So let's roll this 2013 and

Now, you are invited to my VIP Party!

Let's reveal the box, shall we?

1. Pamper yourself from head to toe.

Dapetkan perawatan rambut dari L'Oreal Paris Total Repair 5, satu paket. Shampo, kondisioner, daily pack, hair mask, repairing night serum. Harga sekitar Rp 200.000

2. Dapetin sepaket perawatan wajah dari Garnier, buat kamu dan pacarmu.

Facial wash, untuk kulit berjerawat dan beminyak juga roll on jerawat. Not only you that pamper yourself but your boyfriend also :)
Harga sekitar Rp 120.000

3. Setelah rambut dan wajah bersih, lindungi wajahmu dari sinar matahari dan ratakan rona wajahmu with the famous UV BB MAX.

Harga sekitar Rp 125.000

 4. Segarkan wajahmu setiap hari kemanapun kamu pergi dengan Vichy Eau Thermale, katanya sih lebih JUWARA dari si Evian nih.

Cobain deh sendiri.

5. Si kulit sensitif? Males pake sunblock?

A BIG NO NO, pake ini deh. rawat kulit wajahmu sejak dini ya Fantabulous!

6. Bersihkan wajahmu dan kencangkan, untuk Fantabulous yang tinggal di kota besar dan dinamis.

Pasti debu dan kotoran tuh jadi temen deh tiap kali mau pergi kemana-mana, ya kan? No worries, facial wash dari Eversoft ini dilengkapi dengan Pomegranate buat wajahmu bebas dari polusi, dan mencegah kerutan juga kalo jerawatan bisa pake lotion jerawat dari OXY ini. Komplit kan?

 7. Terakhir, buat kamu yang praktis! Tinggal usap, bersih deh!

Make Up remover, 30 helai. Cukup untuk sebulan, apalagi kalo travelling, wuih... hemat waktu kan?

Now, who's excited? Gampang banget caranya!

1. Follow my blog http://cantiktanpabangkrut.blogspot.com and twitter @MadaFoe
2. Write about my giveaway on your blog, and link back to me on comment with the URL of the post.
3. Ini yang penting nih, di blog kamu harus ada alesan kenapa kamu suka baca blog aku, apa yang perlu ditingkatkan, dan apa yang perlu dipertahankan, if you ever meet me in person, tell me what is your first impression also.
4. Hadiah bisa milih loh :)
5. Giveaway ini juga berlaku via twitter, tetapi hadiah yang berlaku untuk twitter hanya nomor  2,6,7
Pake hashtag #MadaBagi2 dan mention @MadaFoe dan sebutkan apa yang kamu suka dari blogku, dan hadiah no berapa yang dipengenin.

Giveaway ini akan berakhir pada 7 Februari 2013, hadiah dikirim tanggal 10 Februari 2013.
Perfect untuk hadiah Valentine kamu kan?

Let's ROCK 2013 BABY!!!!!!!