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Just an average master degree student, currently working on my thesis and doing make over in my spare time IF i'm not shopping LOL... I can be reach at imelda_husin@yahoo.co.id if you guys want me to review your products or sponsorship or simply wanna chat. Thank you...

Monday, July 9, 2012

Horrible Hair

Please don’t get disgusted just yet!

I’m having hair problem. Yes this is the longest hair I’ve ever experience since high school, which is.. OK, smarties.. if I reveal you all will know how old I am. No WAY! LOL….

Well… back to the problem, the pictures tells a thousand words. That is what happening every time I wash my hair. GROSS to the max! And I can’t cheat and told my friends that it was theirs because I have my own bathroom  at my boarding house >.<

I got a lot of advice actually, to cut my hair, to layer it, to smoothing it, and even to cut it short!
All of that leave me to confusion, what should I do. I’m tired of cleaning my bathroom, every single day.. due to the hair fall. And my room always seems dirty because the hair fall out everywhere even on my beloved Leopard carpet. Hiks..

I tried so many products, but the shampoo work well on my scalp, but dries my hair. The conditioner works well but my scalp got itchy like hell. 

Since I’m already working, I really want to get this problem solve ASAP. You all know I like to look good and smells good from head to toe.
I did some research actually, hair loss can be cause by lots of factors such as stress, pollution, lack of nutrition etc. But really I don’t want to bored you with that.

I really wish there are some products that can help me solve this problem. Anyone ever experiencing the same problem? Please do share L I’d love to hear your thought and this is serious. Hair is a big deal for me, Ladies..

Thanks a bunch…


  1. I also used to have hairloss, due to -nyatok rambut tiap hari pas jaman2 F4, rebonding and smoothing every 3 months, dyed my hair into whatever color, lolz it damaged to the max.

    I don't know much about hair treatment, but I grasp the basic like : using anti hairfall shampoo + conditioner, creambath once a month, use hairtonic, etc.. They give significant effect, they've reduced my hairfall not 100% but I can see it only remains 10%.

    And that's right about not being stress, that's the biggest reason :) also to pay attention with food too I guess.

    I guess it's really basic opinion but still good luck :)

    1. Ih sama deh.. aku juga tiap keramas pasti minimal di keringin pake hair dryer. Kayaknya sih stress paling ngefek cin.. secara skrg ada tanggung jawab kerjaan huhu... Thank you dear...

  2. I used to suffer in hair loss too, due to my sickness (typhoid) and stress (stay out late at night).

    Fortunately enough, now my hair is back on the right track, from nearly bald now my hair is thick and healthy now.

    All I can say is the shampoo and conditioner or hair treatment is not enough.

    I don't really pay attention to my hair treatment (shampoo, treatment in salon, conditioner, etc.), I just wash it daily.

    But I suggest you to take care of your nutrition intake. You can improve your portion with food rich in protein like fish (Esp. salmon), poultry, eggs, dark colored vegetables, and liver (cow is better).

    Don't forget to take a good and enough sleep, too..

    Hope it will work for you.


    1. Oh, that makes sense. Sometimes i'm too lazy to used mask etc etc. But i guess it's a MUST now!

  3. http://www.instructables.com/id/How-to-Go-No-Poo/

  4. hey u pretty much look like me.
    aku dulu jg gitu. rambutku hampir habis n jalan satu satunya disuruh potong. tp aku ga mau. trus ma pacarku di belikan vitamin buat rambut. hair skin nails. aku udah minum 6 bulanan rambut jadi bercahaya sehat n panjang.

    1. Nah, aku sih pengen potong rambut. Karna rambutku tebel juga, jadi kalo ngeringin rambut lama. thanks tips-nya yah.. nanti kalau ada waktu aku cari deh vitamin buat minumnya...

  5. gampanggg berobat ke erha atau dr.wong untuk urusan hairloss deh

    1. Mak, makasih sarannya.. *nabung* *tepuk2 dompet* heheheh...

  6. mada....potong rambut yukkk...hihihi...
    aku jg lagi panjang bangett rambutnya n rontok juga :(

    1. IYAAAAA.. yuks...
      Kemaren ke salon, pas punya sehari kosong, eh.. stylist langgangan gak masuk. Hiks..

  7. Aku di bandung, dan kalo ada masalah rambut aku percaya ke Salon Qiara. Dia salon khusus perawatan rambut, jadi isinya cm creambath tradisional aja.... gak bisa potong rambut, cat, dll.
    My mom rambutnya dulu beruban, trs sejak rajin perawatan disitu rambutnya jd hitam dan tambah tebel, udah gak banyak ubanan dan rontok jauuuhhh berkurang. Aku jg sekarang rajin kesana, biar rambutnya tambah kuat dan gak rontok..

    Hope it help :)

  8. Seperti yg disebut sama anonymous : Going no poo.

    I've done it, and it worked well (for me). Gw pernah bikin catatan selama ngelakuin no poo treatment ini : http://6wwsc.tumblr.com/

    1. Owh.. *manggut-mangggut*
      Nanti dihayati dan dilaksanakan, thank youu XOXO
